Zee Lacson Profile Photo

I wonder ….
… is my coffee ready yet?

Zee Lacson has had practice in different professions. Engineer. Teacher. Photographer. Visual artist. Writer. But throughout her life, she has always been a Dreamer.

The Woolgathering Trilogy is her dream come true.

Born and raised in Manila, Philippines, with her grandparents, father, and twin brothers, she currently lives the dream in the northern suburbs of Chicagoland with her husband and twin sons.

She enjoys good coffee. And sushi. And wine. And ice cream. And cake … though not necessarily together. Or in that order.

Reverie was her first published work of fiction. It was a finalist at the 2021 Illinois Author Project.
Revenant, the sequel to Reverie, was released in 2021.
Réveil, the final in the series, was released May 2023.
Twice Removed is her latest book, and will be released in 2024.

"Writing is being rewarded for living in an imaginary world.
An imaginary world that I can control. That rocks.
This world has my brilliant husband, John. This world has the two best kids anyone can possibly have, Cale & Caden.
So, yeah. This world wins."
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